Thursday, December 19, 2013

Santa The Trucker

We all know that Santa has a VERY important job with everything that he has to do.  He delivers items across the world to people in a timely manner to people who are anxious to receive them.  He stays away from home when out making his deliveries, and doesn't get to see his wife until finishes his job.  The receivers of these items often have provided him a list of needs or wants & Santa does his best to meet those needs or wants.  We have to give him props for being able to get all these deliveries done in a 24 hour time frame, and for all the great visiting with kids he does before hand.

Has it ever occurred to anyone that what he does in a short amount of time is what we in the trucking industry do 365 days of the year?  Sure Santa uses reindeer instead of horsepower, but truckers also get things delivered in a timely manner, and are away from home for days on end without seeing their family. Between the drivers and the office staff, we here at Brenny Transportation & Brenny Specialized do our best every day to meet the needs of our customers and the carriers we work with, all while carrying on the spirit of giving throughout the year.

Merry Christmas to you all!!!

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